
Canvas prints

Order prints on canvas as a very solid and effective solution, for both large and small formats.

Våre lerret prints er av høyest kvalitet og kan bestilles både oppspent på blindrammer, eller uten blindrammer – kun som print. Vi alltid legger til 15cm (7,5cm på hver side) rundt motivet slik at du selv har mulighet til å spenne opp canvasen etter behov.

Når vi snakker om kvaliteten på lerret, så burde vi også nevne at vi kun bruker Norskproduserte blindrammer av høyest kvalitet. I tillegg kan det være lurt å velge UV-protection i bestillingen. Det gir bildet en ekstra lag beskyttelse mot sollys og gjør det lettere å støvtørke etterhvert. 

Prints på FineArt lerret

Hahnemühle Daguerre Canvas 400 – kun print

from kr391,00 incl vat
Hahnemühle Daguerre Canvas 400 is a matte, poly-cotton canvas with a fine, smooth surface. The canvas is characterized by its high degree of whiteness for fresh colours, fine details and black and white reproductions that are rich in contrast. Despite its high grammage, the canvas has excellent stretching properties and is ideal for mounting on stretcher frames.
Prints på FineArt lerret

Hahnemühle Daguerre Canvas 400 – ferdig montert på blindrammer

from kr699,00 incl vat
Hahnemühle Daguerre Canvas 400 is a matte, poly-cotton canvas with a fine, smooth surface. The canvas is characterized by its high degree of whiteness for fresh colours, fine details and black and white reproductions that are rich in contrast. Despite its high grammage, the canvas has excellent stretching properties and is ideal for mounting on stretcher frames.
Prints på FineArt lerret

Hahnemühle Cézanne Canvas 430 – kun print

from kr391,00 incl vat
Hahnemühle Cézanne Canvas is a heavy canvas made from pure cotton, with an elegant, finely woven surface. The natural white canvas contains no optical brighteners and has a beautiful, natural shade of white. Together with pigment-based inks, it creates outstanding print results with stunning color and detail reproduction, deep blacks and exceptional contrasts. Cézanne Canvas is acid- and lignin-free and meets the most stringent quality requirements in terms of age resistance. Despite its heaviness, the canvas is extremely elastic and is very easy to mount on stretcher frames.
Prints på FineArt lerret

Hahnemühle Cézanne Canvas 430 – ferdig montert på blindrammer

from kr699,00 incl vat
Hahnemühle Cézanne Canvas is a heavy canvas made from pure cotton, with an elegant, finely woven surface. The natural white canvas contains no optical brighteners and has a beautiful, natural shade of white. Together with pigment-based inks, it creates outstanding print results with stunning color and detail reproduction, deep blacks and exceptional contrasts. Cézanne Canvas is acid- and lignin-free and meets the most stringent quality requirements in terms of age resistance. Despite its heaviness, the canvas is extremely elastic and is very easy to mount on stretcher frames.

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