100% fornøyde kunder * * * * * Kundeservice post@pigs.no Fri frakt på bestillinger over 1500 kr Rask levering FineArt, foto og posterprint Digitalisering, scanning, fotografering... Og montering!
from kr218,00 incl vat
Dette hvite FineArt papir, med sin karakteristiske lett definert filtstruktur, gir hvert kunstverk en tredimensjonal fremtoning og imponerende bildedypde. Kombinert med pigmentbasert blekk fra Epson gir dette papiret utmerkede utskrifter med strålende farger, dype svarte farger, slående kontraster og perfekt gjengivelse av detaljer. Denne syre- og ligninfrie klassiker møter høyeste krav til aldersbestandighet og er spesielt designet for FineArt-anvendelser. Om FineArt-fotografi eller kunstreproduksjoner, Photo Rag er et av de mest allsidige FineArt inkjet-papirene med en perfekt kombinasjonen av struktur, trykkkvalitet og vekt.
PLEASE NOTE! Dette produktet kan printes opptil 110cm på sin korte side (f.eks 110 x 200 cm). Rullens bredde er 111 cm (44 tommer).
You can upload and order prints of multiple files at the same time if all files are to be printed in the same size/format and the same number of copies. To order prints in other sizes/formats or number of copies, please ‘continue shopping’ after you have placed these prints in your shopping basket.
As an alternative to uploading, you can paste a link to your file just below the upload field (e.g. to dropbox or wetransfer). For multiple files, send or share the link to the folder with all files.
Before you continue, double-check that the file has indeed been uploaded. You should see an image icon of your file after the upload is successful. If you're adding a link to your file(s) instead, double-check that the link is correct.
1. Enter the image size. First short side, then long side.
2. Choose whether you want a white border around the motif or not (in cm, on each side of the motif, you can go down to mm, e.g. 2.4cm). You can either add to the image size (the sheet will be larger) or reduce the size of the motif to keep the specified size.
3. Select whether any cropping/cropping is required (yes/no). If you select YES, we will customise the motif to fit the specified size. Remember that this also applies to all files!
4. Select the number of copies for uploaded files. E.g.: if you upload three files and type ‘Number of copies: 3’ then 3 images will be printed - 3 x 1 copy. If you write ‘Number of copies: 9’ then 9 images will be printed - 3 x 3 copies.
5. Confirm and add to basket*.
* If you want to order more print products, select ‘continue shopping’ in the shopping basket and you will be returned to the last product. Either continue here or find another paper you want prints on. Checkout is done at the very end.